How can I become a student at Distance Education Vocational School?

In order to be a student in our school, you need to take the university exam and choose one of the programs specified in the related OSYM guide. All high school graduates who have taken the university exam can choose our programs. In order to be registered after you have been entitled to be placed in our school, you can come to Afyonkarahisar personally between the registration dates determined by our university. You can make your registration renewals in the following semesters over the Internet by depositing your tuition before coming to university.

What are the Advantages of Distance Education?


Offers equal opportunity.

It provides education opportunities for physically disabled students.

It is an educational system that can provide educational services to a wide range of students.

It eliminates geographical and regional barriers by being independent of time and space.

Provides the possibility of processing with advanced tools.

Indispensable for people who cannot benefit from traditional education.

Provides 24/7 access to the Education and Training environment.

It enables people who have to work at work to continue their education.

Marriage, military service, having a child because of reasons such as having a break from the education gives the opportunity to continue where you left off.

It allows each student to study at his or her own learning speed.

It provides quick and easy access to information.

It eliminates the additional costs of face-to-face education such as transportation, accommodation and catering.

Provides an interactive and dynamic learning process with the instructors.

Distance Education allows students to receive the quality education they want from any place with internet access as it is independent from space.

Who is Suitable for Distance Learning Especially?

 Distance Education; It is an educational system that has become suitable for everyone by eliminating most of the disadvantages of the formal education system. It gives you the right to education without changing your lifestyle.

In formal education;

Cost (Accommodation, transportation, etc. expenses for education outside the province)

Transportation difficulties

Disability to study in a different country or city

Physical obstacles

Cases such as working life or deterioration of an established life order do not constitute a problem in the Distance Education system. In accordance with your current budget, you can continue your work and education at your location.

What are the rights of distance education students?

 Students enrolled in Distance Education programs; The student can benefit from acquiring a student identity, benefiting from the social, cultural and sporting activities and opportunities of the university and all other facilities provided to the students of Afyon Kocatepe University.

Graduates of distance education programs have the same title and rights as the formal education graduates of the same program.

Is there a difference in the quality between distance education and the other university programs?

 The majority of courses in distance education programs are taught by university academics. In addition to this, it is aimed to diversify the content of the education with the experts in the private sector and various public institutions and to provide students not only academic knowledge but also application and field knowledge.

The courses are held live between the instructor and the students as in formal education in digital environment and an interactive environment is offered. In addition, students can contact the instructor at any time with various applications, in the “Forum” area allocated to them, questions, exams, courses, etc. share issues. The functioning, quality and continuity of the courses are controlled and evaluated by Afyon Kocatepe University.

Is There Difference Between Distance Education Graduates and Formal Education Graduates’ Rights?

Graduates of distance education programs have the same rights and titles as the graduates of formal education of the same program. Students who have obtained the associate degree diploma can transfer to undergraduate programs with DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam).

How can I access the Learning Management System?

You must have a computer and Internet connection to use the Learning Management System. After you register to our school, you can log in to the system using the user name and password provided to you.

 How can I study in the Learning Management System?

On the Learning Management System, you can follow course contents, chat with your class advisor and other students simultaneously, share your ideas and information in forums, free encyclopedias, access to announcements, homework and exercises about the courses, and have your midterm exams and success grades.

What is the Graduation Diploma?

If you graduate from our school, the diploma you will receive will indicate the university, the name of the college and the program information you have graduated.

How are the Exams Conducted?

Visa exams are conducted over the Internet. The final exams are held on the announced dates in the classroom environment of our university. While calculating your final grade, 20% of the midterm and 80% of the final exam are collected. In addition, other activities homeworks, interaction in the Forum, participation in conversations] that you perform in the Learning Management System are effective in the calculation of the grades. Students registered to our school do not have the right to make an excuse exam.

Is there an Obligation to Attend?

According to Article 20 of Afyon Kocatepe University Distance Education Vocational School Associate Degree Education and Examination Regulation, students enrolled in Distance Education programs are not required to attend except internship. However, course advisors can evaluate the participation of students in courses and activities on the system as grades in determining their success grades.

Are Internship Activities Compulsory?

In Distance Education Vocational Schools, as in all other Vocational Schools, internship activities are compulsory. Students who do not do their internship cannot graduate from our school. If you are working in any institution related to the department you study, you can be exempted from the internship activities if you bring a document indicating that you are working in that institution to our school. The certificate will be reviewed by our school and you will not need to do internship activities if deemed appropriate.

Is it Possible to Switch to Other Programs Vertically or Horizontally?

Transfer from open or distance education to other open or distance education diploma programs can be made. In order to be able to transfer from open and distance education to formal education programs, the student must have an overall grade point average of 80 out of 100 or above, or the central placement score in the year in which he / she enrolls must be equal to or higher than that of the diploma program of the university he / she wants to pass.

It is possible to transfer from first or second education diploma programs to open or distance education diploma programs.

Graduates of our school can take the vertical transfer exam and can transfer to any department accepted.

 Where Can I stay during the Final Exams?

Students coming to our city for the final exams, many different guesthouses, hotels, pensions, etc. places. Some guesthouses and phone numbers are as follows:

– Afyon Officer’s Club : +90 (272) 213 15 53 / (272) 215 52 70 / (272) 212 08 92

– Afyon Teacher’s House : +90 (272) 213 76 09

– Afyon Police Guesthouse : +90 (272) 252 54 53

– Afyon DSİ Guesthouse : +90 (272) 216 85 65

– Afyon Karayolları Guesthouse : +90 (272) 214 19 10


13 November 2015, Friday 101143 kez görüntülendi