Info Course Syllabus



The Department of Computer Programming is a technical program in which universities provide 2-year education, equipped with the basic knowledge of computer science, having technical knowledge and experience in the use of programming languages, and adapting to the renewed technology easily. Graduates of this program are given the academic title of Computer Programming Technician.

The Computer Technology and Programming program was gathered under one roof by combining the Computer Programming program opened in 1994 and the Computer Information Systems program opened in 1997 with the Law No. 4702 under the MEB-YÖK Vocational Schools Program Development Project.

Afyon Kocatepe University has been carrying out this program, which has been offered within the scope of formal education in Computer Technology and Programming program, to the distance education platform with its experiences. The two-year program provides visual programming, web programming, system programming with c, computer systems and hardware, and .NET. In addition to the intensive programming languages curriculum, the program also provides training in web design, operating system management and network systems.

Computer Programming section aim to capture the era and will have an active role in efforts to create new jobs. The shortage of staff that can develop software is also felt day by day, so there is a great need for trained manpower in this field. Turkey and looking at the conditions of the students who will graduate from the program in the future by looking to the changing conditions in the world it will be seen to play an active role in economic and individual development. Since the IT and education sector includes not only regional but national education, the intermediate workforce is a constant requirement.

Students who want to study in this section should;

  • Think analytically.
  • Self-confident,
  • Follow up the rapid developments in technology and adapt to them,
  • Open to innovation,
  • Prone to teamwork

At the end of the two-year education period, students of Computer Programming will have the following skills and skills:

  • Basic computer knowledge for working efficiently in the sector,
  • The technical knowledge and skills necessary to use programming languages,
  • Efficient and fluent use of common operating systems and applications,
  • Ability to design and develop a medium-sized software system at all stages,
  • Ability to follow technological developments and adapt easily to innovations.
17 November 2015, Tuesday 27759 kez görüntülendi